October 18th, 2014 5 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Drone racing

Design Objective How Bad UX Killed Jenny Bad UI is not just annoying, but UI can kill. Your next project needs a white-hat jerk The purpose of the white-hat jerk is to find all the ways people can turn your product/community into another 4chan, so you can fix these

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October 18th, 2014 3 min read

How To Pay Your Bill In 7 Easy Steps

Step 1 Your adventure begins with this login screen that doesn't quite know what it wants you to do first. All these Really Important Buttons abound. Fortunately, you know why you're here for β€” to pay your bill β€” so let the adventure begin: login! Step 2 Locate

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October 11th, 2014 5 min read

Weekend Reading β€” The war on women

The War on Women Trouble at the Koolaid Point Kathy Sierra harassed and forced off the Internet, but left us with an incredible narrative about the war on women. If you read nothing else this week, read this. At the core is a form of weaponized mansplaining: nothing a woman

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October 4th, 2014 4 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Move fast and break things

Design Objective Selfish Accessibility Another great presentation on accessibility. This one asks what happens when you grow older, get into an accident, or just computing while eating at your desk, and how we can design for accessibility that helps all of us in our day to day. Responsive Design: Why

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September 27th, 2014 3 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Tasks

Design Objective Junior Designers vs. Senior Designers The differences, illustrated. Meet the New Enterprise Customer, He’s a Lot Like the Old Enterprise Customer There are reasons why enterprise customers are enterprise customers. @helmutgranda: On design: Simple is != to dumbed down, Simple = right place at the right time. Lines of

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September 20th, 2014 5 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Corgi Stylesheets

So Corgi Stylesheets is a thing that exists Design Objective New e-ink Kindle Voyage looks very promising: … instead of buttons, they’ve added "pressure-based page turn sensors with haptic feedback". You know what else is a pressure-based sensor with haptic feedback? A button. The Boring Designer Speaking of

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September 13th, 2014 4 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Now that's a bad day

@DoctorJeph: Had a bad day? Bet it wasn't "forgot to secure a satellite during testing and caused $135 million in damage" bad Design Objective Why do people think Apple Pay is so innovative when an equivalent feature has been part of Android for over two years?

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September 6th, 2014 4 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Real hacking

Design Objective What Is a Card? Cards are more than just boxes of content with distinct border: A card is a single unit of content or functionality, presented in a concise visual package. More advanced cards use that form to surface content or functionality from other apps, and allow users

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September 1st, 2014 4 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Time has stopped

Design Objective What car park payment machines can teach us about usability: So car park payment machines teach us that the best user interface is no interface. But also: Car park payment machines teach us that usability is a differentiator only when customers have a choice. A Map of White

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