April 1st, 2017 6 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Rolling out user stories

Patrick Wong "JIRA is rolling out stories" (Other apps adding stories to mock Facebook) Design Objective Design thinking lessons from our cats "Think inside the box." Meet the inventor of the electronic spreadsheet Dan Bricklin's TED talk, on how VisiCalc came to happen, and

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March 25th, 2017 5 min read

Weekend Reading β€” The future is confusing

Matthew Deiters "The future is confusing" Design Objective Iteration is not design Iterations can help improve your designs, but "to mistake the design tool of iteration for design itself is a grave error." Strengthening Your Idea Muscles Write 10 ideas a day. How to design accessible

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March 18th, 2017 7 min read

Weekend Reading β€” All boxes are cat-sized

@coderzombie Can't stop laughing. Design Objective Steve Sanderson "A heatmap visualisation of where the door handle should be:" LiquidText Inking The Liquid Text demo video is brilliant. This is one of the most interesting, tech-augmented, user interaction I've seen in a long while. I&

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March 11th, 2017 7 min read

Weekend Reading β€” #WFH #WFH Design Objective How a Facebook Designer Thinks "Julie Zhuo describes how the development of new features starts with three questions: What people problem are we solving? How do we know it’s a real problem? And how will we know if we’ve solved it?

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March 4th, 2017 6 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Thread

Jason Diller "Thread" Design Objective This site is β€œtaking the edge off rant mode” by making readers pass a quiz before commenting Smart: "The goal is to ensure that the commenters have actually read the story before they discuss it." Manisha Agarwal Software is like a

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February 18th, 2017 5 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Tornado full of sharks

You Had One Job "Don't be afraid." FYI I'm traveling and AFK, so no Weekend Reading next week. I'll do my best to catch up when I come back. And also, if you know anyone who would enjoy Weekend Reading, send them

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February 11th, 2017 5 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Crashing buildings

Edwin van Andel "That moment when your building crashes..." Design Objective Case study: How complexity creeps in Adding enterprise features, realizing they burden product and support, without a debt on sales, and phasing them out. Design Checklist Google's design checklist for building conversational UIs. What we

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February 4th, 2017 5 min read

Weekend Reading β€” Walks like a duck …

Santero "Huh. Man with dogs in his pockets walking his duck, which has shoes on" Design Objective Atomic Design by Brad Frost Brad Frost explains atomic design, and how to apply its principles to your very own design system. Designing for iPad Power Users If you are working

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January 28th, 2017 5 min read

Weekend Reading β€” A solar system in motion

Jennifer Harrison You're looking at a video of FOUR directly-imaged exoplanets orbiting a star. You're looking at another solar system in motion Design Objective Making input type=date complicated Don't worry about "looks the same in all browsers", instead focus on "

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